Pubs have always played a significant role in countless TV and Film production, from Harry Potter, Only Fools and Horses to Snatch.
Locations London are encouraging production companies to turn their cameras to London’s beloved pubs, as the perfect filming location during lockdown, with the intention of giving these ancient institutions and their publicans a much-needed, alternative revenue lifeline during this time.
The pub is a world-famous British treasure, that has been, along with other hospitality businesses, especially hard hit during the pandemic. Large restaurant chains to independent pubs are facing an uncertain year ahead, with the potential threat of permeant closure for some. Latest figures released highlight the difficulty the industry is facing – with a net loss of almost 6,000 licensed premises last year.

Once Covid restrictions are eventually eased, the reopening of pubs is a keenly anticipated date for many. Sadly, a freshly poured pint of the hoppy stuff seems to be as likely to get hold of as a winning lottery ticket!
During this bleak lockdown, the impact that the hospitality industry has on London is evident. It is heartbreaking to see these usually bustling, beautiful venues, sagging gloomily on empty streets. Our pubs, bars, and restaurants are the very pulse of this vibrant city and part of our rich cultural heritage.
Locations London are backing the hospitality industry by encouraging pubs to get listed on their books, and positioning these properties for upcoming filming projects and shoots. Fortunately, the film industry has been given the green light and is able to continue ‘almost’ as normal, within Covid regulations.
Here are some of London’s most famous Pubs…
The Black Prince Pub – Kingsman
The Royal Oak, Colombia Road – Lock, Stock and Two Smoking
The Jolly Gardener – Snatch
Howl at the Moon – Arctic Monkey’s Music Video. “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?”
Middlesex Arms – Only Fools and Horses
Globe Tavern – Bridget Jones’s Diary